Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Two types of people [ppl] on Earth?

What do I mean, two types of people?  Well, I mean there are two basic types of people on Earth and... one type, over a long period of time, becomes the second type.

In other words, when a Soul rises to the point it incarnates on this physical plane as a human being, it has made a great deal of progress, but it begins life as an "unenlightened" Soul.  A normal human being, but one that lacks certain things.   Explained in a moment.

Such Souls are normally born to portions of the Earth populated by people who usually lack much education and who live very simple lives.  But sometimes new or "newbie" Souls are born to people who live in more industrialized areas.  This can be problematical.

What the newbie [or Intelack] Soul lacks is "CDKA&EU" [Conscience, Discretion, Knowledge, Acceptance and Empathetic Understanding].  And these are my names or labels for the "Virtues of Life".  In my work, I refer to these slowly acquired Virtues as "C'etc".  And C'etc are acquired by "completing" Karma over many, many lifetimes.  "Lifetimes"?  A Soul has more than one lifetime?

And very quickly I have introduced two concepts that are not well known in the West.  Reincarnation and the Law of Karma.  These are not well-known in the West primarily because the concept of reincarnation plays havoc with the mistaken ideas  of Christianity, and other religions.

If it is possible for you to rise above your fear of certain words or terms,  then read on to become more enlightened.  If new terms are frightening to you, then cease reading and enjoy your life.  There is no rush to obtain enlightenment. And, Peace be with you.

Only after many, many lifetimes will a Soul be able to "complete" lines of Karma that add to that Soul's collection of C'etc.  And the difference between people on Earth lies in how much C'etc a Soul has accumulated over its many lifetimes on Earth?

The whole human being is composed of four simultaneously existing, and yet entirely separate vibrational dimensions, three of which are invisible (Esoteric), and one of which is physical, and thus what we are taught to think of as the human being.  1/4th of the whole.

Modern mental health [I prefer to call it BS&bp: Behavioral Science and the oxymoron "behavioral psychology"], focuses entirely on the physical dimension of Man, and BS&bp has thus led countless generations of Americans astray regarding who, what, and why they exist?  The MIND and Spiritual dimensions of Man have been neglected for a great many years.  This denial of the Esoteric in Man has been a major contributor to the loss of Spirituality in the more "advanced" nations.  The other contributor has been Intellectualism.  Or a person being confined to the brain and thinking as his/her primary means of relating to life.  Such people are Souls lacking C'etc.

The two types of people on Earth then are people with the same basic Souls, but the Soul of each person possesses a different amount of C'etc, and it is the amount of C'etc a Soul possesses that determines how much Consciousness a person has?  Enlightened Souls are found in people who tend to be Conservative, and Souls who lack C'etc are found in people who are Liberal.  Independents tend to be Souls who are Enlightened, but also maintain a strong intellectualism, and less access to the Intuition found in Souls with higher levels of C'etc.

Additional research can be had by tweeter:


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